Finally, eh - Blogger is fixed!! But my last post has disappeared - let's see if I can remember it all....................
Lots to tell you all so here we go............
Yes, I am really, really pleased and excited to tell you all that I AM staying at QVC!!Woo Hoo - I now have my own contract with them, lots of exciting shows coming up and lots of meetings about the future going on! I am SO excited!!
I cannot tell you much more at the moment - but there are lots of changes happening and it is so exciting that it hurts to keep it all in at the moment!! As soon as I can tell you more, I will!
So, watch this space!!!
Also, my other job (!), as a freelance demonstrator is chaotic at the moment too - I am now booked every weekend right through until August with days in Lancaster; Fleetwood; Liverpool; Wigan; Kendal and Aberdeen - to name a few! I am LOVING being out and about meeting so many of you - I love visiting so many different stores and passing on new techniques that I am learning and discovering. Such exciting times!
I am also holding workshops in Lancashire; Kendal and Aberdeen (so far) - with hopes of getting to lots more areas very soon so more of you can join in the fun.
For all dates and details just see the right hand coloumn.

At the moment, I am also on count down with my trip to the USA!
I have been invited over by my lovely friend in crafting - Susan Pickering Rothamel of USArtquest - to spend a whole 5 days crafting, learning and bouncing ideas of each other - so that I can then come back home and represent USArtquest on air at QVC and also around the country instores too!
Told you there was a lot to tell you!!
It is all SO exciting - I feel like I could burst!
Also, of course, on top of all this - the most important thing is making time for My Boys!
Ben is growing up so much now, cannot believe he is 4 this year!!!
Why is it that when you become a Mum, the years go by so much quicker!
I am loving having lots more quality time with them especially with all this good weather we have been having - walking in the park; visting the seaside and lots of time for loads of kisses and cuddles - or as we call them, snugems!!
Last but not Least - BLOG CANDY
Yep - it is that time again for a Blog Candy of goodies, this time from the lovely people at Woodware and Stix 2!
All you have to do to be in with a chance is:
1. Be A Follower of my Blog
2. And, Leave a comment
Be quick though - I am drawing the winner on SUNDAY NIGHT!!!
Here it is..............................
So, as you can see - exciting times ahead!
For now though I must crack on and finish all my prep for my workshop this Sunday in Lancashire. Me and Lindsay Mason are teaching a whole day of cardmaking together for the first time - Going to be such fun! Will post pictures Sunday night along with the winner of the Blog Candy!
Good Luck & enjoy your weekend whatever you are doing!
Loads of Love
Hi Amy,
Glad to hear that you will still be on Qvc and I cant wait to see what is in store for the future! Have a fab time in the states (im so jealous lol) Thanks for a chance to win this lovely candy :)
Fiona x
Well I'm glad you're staying at QVC but I really hope they let you do some demos. I love watching demos and even if I maybe don't buy anything you inspire me. As for the demo days in Aberdeen I've booked the weekend off work so I can go. Sadly I can't do the workshop cause if I don't work I can shop. lol. I look forward to meeting you again. Good luck with your new ventures ( workshops etc
) xx
Sooo pleased you are staying at QVC Amy as I really enjoy watching and learning from you. You have such a sunny disposition you can't help but cheer me up. Lots of exciting times ahead for you xxx
Glad you are staying with QVC and that you are coming to Fleetwood again!
Lovely blog candy, hope I'm lucky! xx
thanks for the chance to win some cute stamp blog candy and congratulations on getting your own contract
hi amy so glad your staying at qvc love to see you on there very exited about new shows hope i win .gillxx
Wow Amy ... what exciting times! So happy to hear that you're staying on at QVC ... and your own contract!! Fan Dabby Dozy!! (Don't know if that's spelt correctly, but I'm sure you know what I mean!) On a sad note, so sorry that Dawn is leaving, but all things change and I'm sure that whatever she decides to do it will work out well for her.
You have some exciting times ahead .. USArtquest ... Superb!!
Meanwhile, I'm looking forward to June 8th in Kendal ... three weeks on Wednesday!!
Will leave you in peace now to enjoy your snugems with your gorgeous Ben and lovely hubby Chris ... enjoy!
See you soon, loveand hugs, Joyce xx
Good News for you on the QVC front! Hope we get to see new goodies. Good Luck. Thanks for a chance of candy. I am a follower and have commented x
Sad news about Dawn leaving QVC but very pleased to hear you are staying. I love your enthusiasm and relaxed style of presenting, you always manage to make me smile!
Thanks for the chance to win the lovely blog candy - fingers crossed!
I like artquest, and would like to go in the candy pile.
Well you know what sweetheart you deserve it all your such a lovely lady good luck with everything I know all your crafty friends and family are going to be right behind you. Really pleased for you xxxx Cant wait to see what new crafting your going to bring to us xxxx have a wonderful journey. X hugs Sharon
Glad you are staying at QB+VC Amy, can't wait to see your new shows :-) as for Sunday, go on ask me if I'm excited, go on ask me?? :-) See you then. Love S xx
ps great candy by the way, thanks for the chance of winning.S xx
Hi Amy,
Glad you are staying at QVC hope you can do more demos on air. looking forward to seeing you the next time you are in Hamilton. Thanks for the chance to win this lovely candy
Hi Amy - sounds like you're having a great time;0) Thanks for the chance to win some yummy candy
hi Amy so glad your staying at QVC
cant wait to see new shows excited about changes what could they be it all sounds good .gill x x
Have the frog slippers got a contract as well? Glad to hear you are staying.
My eldest is 4 going on 14. They grow up so fast. Just been scrapbooking some baby pics and thinking how much she's changed!
Come and do some workshops down south!
Congratulations on your contract with QVC- will watch out for your shows - will it still be Tuesdays? Hope you have a great time in the US
It sounds as if life is good for you right now and I'm glad to hear you're staying at QVC.
Enjoy your time in the USA, I'm sure you'll come back with loads of ideas to share around.
Thanks for chance to win this blog candy.
Take care.
Sorry to hear Dawn is moving on but really glad you are staying. I've watched you from your very first show when you were so nervous, and look at you now. So excite for all the opportunities that are coming your way :)
Oh Amy I really should check my blog comments and spellings before I post, shouldn't I?? Blame the excitement!!! Have e-mailed you to check if I have the right place for Sunday........nothing like leaving it until the last minute to check!! Ask me if I'm excited, go on ask me?? :-) Love S xxx
Well done Amy,you're your own person now.Good luck with everything coming up.
Hi Amy, Im sooooo glad your staying at QVC ...I love crafting. Your such a lovely person, you deserve all the thunfs thatcare happening. My dad will be happy ur still at QVC still owe him a mention lol xxx
Lidia xx
Excellent news amy, you really deserve it. Enjoy Sunday, I bet everyone has the time of their lives, sorry I was too chicken to book on it, need to catch up asap, you can bring my blog candy with you haha x x x
Hi Amy
So glad you are staying at QVC, love your shows. Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy
Jen :-)
I am happy to hear that you will still be on QVC, and I am looking forward to seeing you on air soon. Tracy xxxxx
Great news that you are staying at QVC! Hope you enjoy your workshops. Please can you try to get K&Co and Hot off the press back. Thanks for the chance to win the goodies. x
HUGH congratulations and good luck. It's a sure fire winner. Gizza job, go on, gizzit! lol xx
yes, please bring back more american products, and more scrapbooking please. xx
Great times ahead for everyone then :) yipeeeeeee
LOL! She :-)
Have a great weekend Amy. Glad everything is looking FAB!
Happy crafting. Gez ♥
Well done Amy on getting your contract and thanks for the chance to win the Blog Candy.
Love and hugz xx
Well done Amy ! Looks as if you are going to be very busy Fay
Super news about all your ventures - so glad all is going well for you - can remember you being SO nervous in the 'early days' on QVC.
Great blog candy - thank you for the chance to win ... hope I do!! ;-) hugs. bobbiejj1 xxx
So glad that your staying at QVC, Good luck in all that you do!! cant wait to see all the new items your going to show. Thanks for the chance to win the great candy. Dorothyb
Hi Amy, I was worried that we'd lose you from QVC too...glad that's not happened. I love your shows with Craig-O...what a hoot! Sounds like you have some exciting and busy times ahead and can't wait to hear more about your new ventures and QVC shows. Thanks for this chance to win some's sure to bring a smile to my face. Take care. Hx
Congrats on all your good news!! Have a Great Weekend & enjoy your visit to the States!!!
im so pleased you will be staying and just so pleased for you in general how youre progressing
wish you every happiness and luck with all your ventures....also try to demo in norfolk (pleeeeeeease)
good luck amy in all you do carnt wait to watch
thanks for the chance to win this super blog candy have been a follower for a while now
hugs chrissy o
Hi Amy,
Looking forward to seeing what ideas you bring back from usa, Hope your class goes well, See you back on QVC soon
Tammy x
Congrats Amy on your news with QVC, look forward to seeing whats new in the future. My little boy is coming 4 soon and I know exactly what you mean! I wish I could just freeze time for a a little while! I would love to win some candy,
Good luck with your new adventure,
Colette x.
Great news about your contract with QVC - thought we'd lost our weekly crafting "fix" - looking forward to your new shows. Thanks for the chance of winning the candy and good luck for the future.
Gill xx
Hi Amy
Would love the chance to win your blog candy.
Hi Amy so glad your staying and cant wait to find out who is coming in place of dawn, hope its someone nice and dosnt talk to quick, and i found my way to your blog page ha ha xx
Lots of great news, it's all very exciting. Have fun xx
Fantastic news for you,Glad you,ll still be around.Hopefully you,ll give us more cd crafting and more demo,s.Best wishes sue xxx
Hi Amy, I am happy to hear you are still on QVC, it looks like you have got a very interesting if extremely busy time ahead of you, but I am sure you will enjoy it all. The blog candy looks good, is that a poppy I see? I hope you get this as it is the 3rd time I have tried to send it, well here I go again !
Hi Amy,
great news that you are still going to be on QVC!! Have a great time over in usa and make sure you bring us back plenty of new ideas
and most of all enjoy your time with your Family that is the most important thing of all
Deborah xx
Hi Amy
I posted a comment earlier today so I'm hoping it's floating around somewhere waiting to be published - but just in case I'm doing another so I get a chance at the blog candy - please, please, please.
Great news on your very own QVC contract - well done you - but keep some time for family and friends.
Congratulations on your QVC contract.
Hope you have a good trip to the states.
With Dawn sadly leaving QVC, I can't think of anyone better to take over frome her than you! Good luck with your new role! x
So pleased to hear you are staying at QVC - I love watching your shows. Congratulations on your own contract! Your life sounds very exciting & fulfilling at the moment - good luck with all your plans.
Thank you for the chance to win this great candy.
Wow you have so much to look forward to. I'm pleased you will still be on QVC.
I've been on holiday to the USA these last 5 years but never made it to a craft shop because my friend was afraid she'd lose me!!!
Time flies with children,I can't believe my nephew is almost 7 and my niece hasn't long turned 2. They area joy though.
Hi Amy
When are you coming to South Yorkshire???? Have seen you demonstrate many times and I always learn something new from you.
Good luck for the future ... and can I hide in your suitcase for a trip to the USA lol
Lynda x
Glad you are staying with QVC, and Aberdeen booked my days off work already, good luck for the future.x
Amy good to hear you are staying at QVC and look forward to the newsy bits when you reveal them. WOrkshops sounds great too - im going to send you a message about one of them. I hope you have a FAB time in the good old U S of A!
Thanks for the chance of winning the super candy and thanks for agreeing to be in my WCD hop in october. x
Wow amy would love to be in with the chance to win the candy. Glad to hear you will still be at qvc. Please do a demo in the midlands. Thanks Elaine x
Hi Amy
No wonder you're so excited! Enjoy your trip to the USA and bring back loads of ideas please. And thanks for the chance to win some blog candy, keeping my fingers crossed.
Anne xx
Hi Amy
Hope all goes well for you.
Blog candy my new chocolate fix.
Congratulations. You are going to be very busy in the coming months. Love the photos of Ben and yes, the time does go by really quickly when you have children. Thank you for the chance to win the blog candy.
would love to win your candy please x
Fab day today, am still obsessed with the flower I made x
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