I have been invited by my wonderful crafty friend - Susan Pickering Rothamel of USArtquest to go and stay with her at her home & studio in America and have one to one tuition with her for a whole 5 days!!!
Can you believe it??
Susan is going to teach me how to use every single one of her amazing products from the Paper Perfect Adhesive to the incredible Mica products that they do! I cannot begin to tell you how honoured I feel at being given this amazing opportunity. I am truly humbled.
When does this kind of opportunity ever arise - ever??
I am thrilled that I will be learning from this amazingly talented lady on a one to one basis - in her own studio and home - in America!!
Aaaaaagggggggghhhhhhhh - So excited!
Of course, a major part of this is so that I can learn all the techniques that are up in that amazingly creative mind of Sue's - and that I can then come back and share them all with you via my shows on QVC & Instore Demonstrations - Cannot wait to share everything with you all.
So, there you go - that's the first bit of amazing news!
Number 2 amazing news is.......................
I have joined together with another amazingly talented lady on this side of the pond - Lindsay Mason to teach workshops together!
Lindsay and I have been friends for many years now and have always wanted to do crafty things together so we have decided to teach here in Lancashire!
We have our first workshop booked for the 15th May and ideas are swimming around our heads as to what we are going to teach - but more importantly, we cannot wait to have fun with you all and share our tips and tricks!
We are currently finalising exactly what projects we are going to be doing - we have so many ideas, we are trying to fit it all in to one day. As soon as we have it all confirmed, we will let you all know!
In the meantime, if you would like to pencil your name in before the places go - as we have a very limited number of places available - please drop me an email at mrsashaw@googlemail.com and you will be the first to know!
Told you it was all exciting news!!
Anyway, best crack on - demonstrating at Samuel Taylors in Skipton tomorrow and need to decide what to wear - Do you think I could go in my pyjamas, much comfier for crafting!!
Ha Ha!!
Big Hugs
Amy x
Oh, almost forgot - don't forget to enter my card competition in the entry below - closes next Friday!!
Well done Amy. I'm really excited for you to be going to America. I knew you and Lindsay were looking to do workshops, just didn't realise you would be joining forces. I would love to join in on May 15, but until my DH has had his operation, I can't commit. I'll be keeping an eye on events though.
Hugs Joanne xx
Wow, that is exciting news. You lucky person, but well deserved, and I look forward to catching some of your demos on QVC!
Good luck with your new venture - I'm sure your classes will all sell out very quickly - wish I lived near somewhere that you do a workshop.
Love, Andrea xx
Well done Amy. I WILL be there :-). I am so chuffed about all your news, very richly deserved and I look forward to seeing you and Lindsay next month. Have a great weekend, hope all goes well tomorrow. Love S xxx
ps....hopefully just sent you an e-mail......can't wait...I'm still smiling and wish you all the luck in the world. Love S xx
Oooh Amy, you are one lucky lady to be learning from Susan - I love her demos on video, and look forward to seeing the exciting results. How fabulous that you are joining forces with Lindsay too, wish I lived nearer. Good Luck with it all.
FANTASTIC news Amy!! She emailed me to let me know about your classes with Lindsay. I am so happy for you both & wish you lots of luck & happy crafting. Have fun across the pond. I am so happy for you & so richly deserved. Enjoy!
Hugs, Gez.xx
I can understand why you are so excited. Congratulations!! Your workshops are too far for me to come to - but best of luck with those too. Cxx
Wow, how lucky are you Amy. Great news.Good luck with your classes too.Really pleased for you.Love Debbie x
What brilliant news. Good luck and have loads of fun
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